ocean colonization, seasteading, living on the oceans, is not a exotic option, with a growing population and space on dry land more and more in short supply using the "rest" of 70% of the planet before going to space colonization is just the "next logical step". Tubular concrete structures and honeycomb floats will pave the way at sea for humanity. Economic needs like energy production, seafood production, deep sea mining will create "pioneer towns" in the open ocean just like the pioneer towns in the wild west. Existing cities like this one (Cartagena de Indias) will expand their oceanfront out into the ocean as a natural expansion of the real estate market. The floating real estate developments will finally grow farer out into the open ocean. Finally they will develop a "special economy" following the business model of VENICE with a much more sea and trade oriented business model. ...
The Oceanic Real Estate Paradigm Shift 🔵 Sustainability on Planet Earth | http://concretesubmarine.activeboard.com/t58921987/sustainability-population-growth-consumption-growth-ocean-co/ | 🔵 What you should know about me | http://nautilusmaker.com/t/what-you-should-know-about-me/1584/1 |
Advanced cement composite technology